Random thought from my run last night

The universe will only ever ask for you to be your best you at any given point. It’s people who ask or expect more.

So be true to yourself and best the best version of you.

If you are happy to sit on a couch all day and that is your best you, and you are comfortable with all that goes with it, that’s your best you.

If it means running 20km a day, every day, and still fitting in family and work and everything else, that’s your best you.

You’re the one who looks in the mirror and faces you. You see the outcome of your decisions. If you are happy with what you see, and who you know you are, as a result of your decisions, the rest is noise.

But if you don’t like what you see. If you see something you want to change, then look that mirror in the eye, and make a deal with that person, to get your arse into gear and be that best version of you.

The noise won’t make the change for you.
Your partner won’t make that change for you.
Family and friends won’t make the change either.
It’s all on the person in the mirror.

Stay Cool, don’t hide your mirrors, and hug the fam,


Author: bu11itt

An engineer with a social conscience, is happy where I am at, love to spend time with kids skating at park or out Riding motorbikes, anything with wheels!!! But a bummer that I have a GBM4 Brain tumor on board. Aiming and pushing to beat a few statistics and break the medical boundaries placed around me now..

One thought on “Random thought from my run last night”

  1. So bloody true Bullet

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