2021 Be Your Best You

It is human nature to want to be better, and strive to have more. To accommodate these it is traditional for us to set some new years resolutions. This gives us the opportunity to get back into a new year fresh and to perhaps find a better version of you.

The reality is that this is a great concept until the first day of work, usually in a few days after the new year that comes and goes. You get back to work, and the enormous cost of going away from your desk, or away from work site and the ensuing pressure of ‘getting back on track’ hits home. Killing your inbox, and long hours to get back on top, takes precedence over those resolutions. It takes 21 days to create a habit, so many folks say. So if your new year started with a gym membership and you go back to the 12 hours a day, it won’t work. Save your money!

So here is a different take on the concept. I did a google on top resolutions, and they were largely in any particular order:
– lose xx kgs
– do more exercise
– better diet
– make more money
– declutter your house/life
– drink less

Rather than go out and buy gym clothes (and looks sporty at the shops), or buy a gym membership (and go twice until you are too sore to move), or you can buy a fridge full of good food – that gets thrown out, (did you know that San Francisco alone throws out 700 tonnes of food waste a DAY), or maybe throw out the first two items you see in your house etc. think about these few ideas….

Let’s consider these resolutions:
Lose XX kgs
Why set a target? Sure for the goal setters this strategy may work. But if you are that person, you will not be needing to do this anyway as you will already be at your target weight. Why not think about lifestyle factors, like diet, exercise, sleep, work and stress factors. You do not need to go crazy here. In our modern affluent society with the worlds knowledge at our fingertips we all know or can search for the changes that we need to consider and make. Once you understand what to consider, start doing it. So be a better you.

Do more exercise
You don’t necessarily need a gym to do more exercise. Walk your dog, walk with a friend, go for a ride with your kids, or take them to the park or start water aerobics to get moving. Get into the habit, don’t sit around when you get a moment. If you are honest with yourself, if you sit around and watch TV in the first few days of your new ‘goal’, then you have already buggered it up. You’re now on holiday, so do something today. Otherwise, save your head from torture of not ‘achieving’ anything and be happy in who you are. I have learnt that small changes and consistent effort towards a picture you create in your mind is what it is all about. But above all be a better you.

Better Diet
I was recently surprised as I thought I understood a fair amount about diet. Disclaimer here; I am not a doctor, and this isn’t medical advice. But I watched the couple of Netflix documentaries on food the Game Changers, and What the Health. I don’t and won’t advocate a diet to anyone, but small changes can make huge differences. There is so much information EVERYWHERE about diet there are no excuses to feeling shit because you don’t look and feel like you say you want to. I will share a hint with you, portion control and fruit and vegetables are your best friend. All things in moderation. Start small, think about your choices, but above all be a better you.

Make More Money/Get More Money
This is a usual one. Jim Carrey has famously said
‘I hope everybody can get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so that they will know that it’s not the answer’.
Solid words. I get that there is a sweet spot of income, for comfort and reduced stress. Aim for that, but too much and a single focus on money above all other things like relationships, time with family, and a lack of life experiences will come with regret later in life. Two weeks holiday a year where you put your earning efforts on hold and give some time to your closest, does not cut it, sorry for that… You can say this as ‘I am setting them up for a future’, but this is a bullshit statement for your own mind to justify your focus on you feeling successful, and being satisfied in your own efforts to make more than the next guy. If you want to really set your family (children) up for success, let them know what presence is, and a solid family is. How to spend time with people and make those people feel special because they feel listened to. This is wealth, as it will pay dividends for their life, they will also pass this skill onto their children and beyond. I am a work in progress here as I have focused way too much on work (not for personal gain, but for service). You can be your best you, by being present with whoever you are with. This is a real investment in personal relationships, starting with your family as an example to your little folks, this will ensure you are your best you.

Declutter your House or Life
Nothing that you ‘have’ can you take with you when you die. think about that for just a bit. All the stuff you have will be staying where it is when you head off to another place whatever your philosophy or religion. Sure, get yourself comfortable, get stuff for your hobbies but what is the point of stuff to store. Think about this with your future purchases. If you do, this will not be a future goal!! So just get this sorted. Look around your place and what you don’t use, or need for records. Recycle it, donate it and use your local Vinnies/Salvation Army, because someone will actually need it. You can be your best you by actually using what you consumed (the planet will thank you later…).

Drink Less
This one can’t be serious, but it is a regular. Alcohol is a double edged sword. It is fun to have a few drinks with mates (I have been known to have a few more than that here and there). But if you are drinking by yourself for the sake of it (starts with boredom which we have all seen plenty of in 2020) then just fucking stop it. Poor you buttercup, you are bored with sitting at home, I have nothing to do etc and all the other piss-poor excuses. Here is the thing if this is you and you end up just drinking then you will end up with head issues, health issues and I pay for you via the public health system. Frankly see above on health and exercise. There is no excuses here. Harden up, deal with your day, grab an apple and go for a walk, ring a mate and have a meaningful discussion, make their day. Coordinate an event like a walk with a friend. But there is no better reasons to be a better you than this one.

You may be thinking that I am a real Debbie Downer here…. But I would never leave you hanging like that. If you can only do one thing this year, then it is almost a guarantee for both better mental fitness and to be your best you. I urge you take up an empty exercise pad or go out and buy a nice journal book and pen and commence a small bit of writing. This is called Journaling. There is a famous book titled the Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron. In her book she advocates a daily activity known as ‘Morning Pages’. Now to ease your fears, this is not creative writing, in fact it is the opposite. If it was creative then I would have tapped out at first glance.

This is kicking off the day with three pages, or near it, of thoughts. Yes, just thoughts. So it is pretty easy as we all have thoughts. You just put the pen on the paper and write whatever comes to mind. What is shitting you off, what you are happy about and just generally how stuff is going. I use mine for reflection here and there and to work out what went well (top three for day) and where you want to improve or could have gone better. there aren’t too many rules but the first rule of Journaling is that it is only for your eyes. They aren’t for sharing. the bottom line is that it is cheaper to buy a book and pen than sitting with a psych. Generally more enjoyable and less time to jot some stuff down.

And here is where you can be your best you. Write down you picture create the vision of you. But the important part of journaling is that you hold yourself accountable to that picture. Sure if you want to create goals, fine. But by using words you get beyond ‘I want to be more active’, to writing a bit more and building the picture of what a single line even means. What is more active? Do you want to ride a bike walk around a lake or hike a mountain. When you write down that extra piece, then you do a review, it is you who is accountable to you. You will generate your own steam. Also it will help you to work out what you really want. Because by writing it down, making an effort, you will work out what is really important to you.

So create your picture of you, and be your best self this year. It isn’t that hard. Do it for you.

Stay awesome, be your best self, hug the fam,
